Many years ago, I ditched jogging/running in favor of walking due to the many bad publicity about the heart-pumping activity. Although it has not become a fad here in the place where we currently reside, I have started running again just a couple of months ago. The feel of the wind against my face, the outdoor scent (I am a work-at-home individual so going “outdoor” sort of thrills me) the sight and ruckus of kids playing, smiling faces of socializing, the calming effects of the sight of the still waters of the river visible from my “jogging track”, the rhythm of my pounding heart, in sync with my retiring iPod and the exhilaration of sucking in oxygen and jettisoning carbon dioxide making my nostrils flap like a bird’s wings, all make me look forward to my late afternoons these days.
For the longest time, I had wanted to capture the moments during my run. But my bulky camera prevented me from doing so. Nonetheless, when the inconveniences of my monthly period overtook my excitement to run, while hubby was available to run, I thought of the idea that while he run, I shoot.
Late afternoons own a special place in my heart. Muted orange sunsets playing with the shadows can be so sad and heart-breaking to gaze at but very romantic. It was one of those afternoons, because we started late and most children have already gone back to their homes. We run just inside the subdivision where we live.