Friday, January 7, 2011

The Elusive Path to Happiness

Have you ever experienced frantically looking for your pair of eyeglasses, turning everything upside down to locate it but to no avail, only to find out that the seemingly elusive specs had been sitting right on top of your head all along? Well, people who simply cannot find happiness and think that seeking happiness is a wild-goose chase may be sharing this ridiculous situation. Many attempt to pursue happiness, but they look in the wrong places. They rummage through material possessions, people and relationships, addictions and experiences, turning their world upside down like a cluttered handbag, not knowing that happiness has just been patiently sitting on top of their heads all along, waiting for its presence to be recognized. For happiness is just a decision you can make in your mind. You bet, the path to happiness is elusive if you look elsewhere but within.